Environmental Policy Lightgraphix Creative Lighting Solutions
Environmental Policy Lightgraphix Creative Lighting Solutions


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Environmental Policy


 The LightGraphix Environmental Policy has now been published, formalising the commitments we have made and will continue to make to reduce the impact we have on our planet. As a company, we believe that remaining transparent and honest with these commitments is crucial. For the financial year of 2023, we have been certifed as a carbon neutral business by Blue Marble for offsetting our scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.

The policy will be revised as needed to stay up-to-date and consistent with our objectives. We acknowledge that responsibility for the environment is essential to the long-term, sustainable success of LightGraphix, as it protects our workers, the individuals who work in our supply chains, and the regions in which we conduct business. We aim to make sure that every business choice takes this into account and that any negative effects are adequately addressed. 


Environmental Policy
Envrionmental Datasheet

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