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The LD61 is a miniature wall mounted LED using a specially designed reflector to wash the surface around it with a 360° illumination. It can be used on interior or exterior walls to create interesting effects as well as lighting up steps and staircases, and the colours look fantastic! With no visible fixings it can be secured by spring clips or O-rings and a first fix sleeve.
Bathroom and Mirror, External, Steps, Wall Wash, Yacht Lighting, Pathway, RLE - Replaceable Light Engines, (50lm-200lm) Miniature range, CB Certified
Spring clips /SC, O-rings and first fix /480 sleeve
NICHIA C1 LED Engine: 1.2W @ 350mA (LD61-C1-350) or 1.7W @ 500mA (LD61-C1-500)
Machined 316 Stainless steel 316 and acrylic